ニュース英語 ブログトップ

910. 都議選で小池知事派大勝、自民党惨敗―2017.7.4 [ニュース英語]

(a) 日本語のニュース




(b) ニュースの背景


6/15 ― 「共謀罪」法成立、与党が参議院で委員会採決を省略して本会議で「中間報告」のあと採決強行
6/18 ― 通常国会が閉会
6/19 ― 安倍首相、国会閉会にあたっての記者会見で、「加計学園」問題で、「対応が二転三転し、国民の不信を招いた」と釈明
6/20― 文部科学省が、「加計学園」問題で、萩生田官房副長官の指示などが記された新たな文書を公表


Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike’s new local party and its allies have scored a landslide victory, while the Liberal Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election on Sunday.
Her party, Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites First Group) became the biggest party in the assembly with 49 of its 127 seats. Later, the Tomin First allowed 6 independents into the party. The Koike camp, also including Komeito, won 79 of the 127-seat assembly.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party, which had the largest pre-election strength of 57 seats, gained 23 seats, far below the previous all-time low of 38 seats.
Voter turnout stood at 51.28 percent, up from 43.50 percent in the previous election in 2013.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is also president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, on Monday expressed regret over the defeat in Sunday’s election.
He said that he must deeply reflect on the outcome, vowing to win back the
public’s trust by getting policy agendas moving along.
The big defeat of the Liberal Democratic Party is expected to deal a severe blow to the Abe government and weaken the prime minister’s centripetal force within the party.
The Liberal Democratic Party has been dogged by controversies over plans to open schools in western Japan. Opposition parties allege that government officials gave favorable treatment to school operators who support the prime minister.
The LDP suffered more embarrassment in the days leading up to the poll when two close allies of Prime Minister Abe became embroiled in controversy.
Defense Minister Tomomi Inada came under fire for appearing to imply in a stump speech that the Self-Defense Forces supported the LDP, and Mr. Shimomura, who served as education minister, was accused of mishandling political donations.

(d)  ニュースの比較研究


・見出し-Japan’s ruling LDP suffers historical defeat in Tokyo assembly election
・リード-Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike’s new party and its allies scored a sweeping victory against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Sunday’s Tokyo metropolitan assembly election.

アメリカの『CNN(=Cable News Network)』放送
・見出し- Japan’s ruling party suffers big losses in local Tokyo elections
・リード-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party was handed a bloody nose in Tokyo’s metropolitan assembly election Sunday, securing a mere 23 seats from a possible 127—the party’s worst ever return.

・見出し-Japan PM’s party suffers historic defeat in Tokyo poll, popular governor wins big
・リード-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal democratic Party suffered an historic defeat in an election in the Japanese capital on Sunday, signaling trouble ahead for the premier, who has suffered from slumping support because of a favoritism scandal.

ドイツの『Deutsche Welle』放送
・見出し-Japan’s ruling LDP Party set for defeat in Tokyo local elections
・リード-The new party of the Japanese capital’s populist Governor Yuriko Koike looks set for a major victory. They ran as a group of reformists trying to upend what they saw as an old boys’ network in a city mired in scandals.

・見出し-Japan PM’s party defeated in Tokyo poll
Governor Yuriko Koike’s party and its allies win majority of seats in Tokyo’s assembly as Shinzo Abe’s party slumps.
・リード-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party suffered a historic defeat in an election in the Japanese capital on Sunday, signalling trouble ahead for the premier who has suffered from slumping support because of a favouritism scandal.

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