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545.G20共同声明、機動的に財政出動ー2014.9.21 [国際ーアメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア、オセアニア]




財務相・中央銀行総裁会議(The Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors)は、国際金融問題を議題として定期的に開かれており、G7とG20の会議が代表的なものです。
G7(Group of Seven)は、日本、アメリカ、カナダ、イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、イタリアの先進7か国。
G20(Group of Twenty)は、先進7か国、新興国のアルゼンチン、オーストラリア、ブラジル、中国、インド、インドネシア、韓国、メキシコ、ロシア、サウジアラビア、南アフリカ、トルコの19か国と欧州連合(EU=European Union)です。ほかに、IMF(=International Monetary Fund 国際通貨基金)、世界銀行も参加。


Financial leaders fro the Group of 20 industrial and emerging countries have agreed to implement fiscal strategies flexibly to support economic growth and job creation.
The agreement was contained in a joint communique issued in Cairns, Australia,
on Sunday after two-day talks of finance ministers and central bank governors from the G20.
The G20 countries aim to meet a goal set earlier this year to lift their collective gross domestic product by more than 2 percent over the next 5 years by sparking private-sector investment and employment.
The joint communique now forecasts that 1.8-percent economic growth could be achieved, and recommends new measures, including boosting investment, to achieve that goal.
Speaking to newsmen after the talks, U.S.Treasury Secretary Jack Law called on the Eurozone countries and Japan to take new steps for fiscal stimulus.


G20財務相・中央銀行総裁会議、共同声明発表のニュースについては、日本のメディアは、1日目、2日目の会議 の模様、共同声明の発表は、まめに迅速に伝えていましたが、これは、各社の経済部の記者が日本政府代表団に同行していたからで、いかに財務省サイドのプレス・サービスがいいかを表わしています。しかし、それは、日本政府からみた会議の内容だということもいえます。外国のメディアは、ほとんど報道せず、わずかにいくつかの通信社が伝えただけで、日本やドイツの金融政策にきびしいものでした。

オーストラリアの『AAP(=Australian Associated Press)』通信は、"G20 still has work to do: Hockey"
(オーストラリアのホッケー財務相談:G20、まだやるべきことがある)という見出しで、"The G20 under Australia's presidency still has some work to do. The ambitious economic growth target of the world's richest nations is almost complete, but it's still too early to say 2014 has been a complete success. G20 finance ministers and central bankrs finished a two-day meeting in Cairns on Sunday under tight police security. It was the first international gathering since the Abbott government raised the threat level a week ago, and this weekend's gathering was being treated as a test for the G20 leaders summit in Brisbane in November"(オーストラリアが議長国となっているG20は、まだやらなければならないことがある。世界の富裕国の望ましい経済成長の目標は、ほぼ完全に達成できるが、2014年が完全に成功というまでには、まだ早い。G20の財務相・中央銀行総裁会議は、厳しい警護のもとでケアンズでの2日間の会議を終えた。この会議は、アボット政権が1週間前脅迫に対する警戒のレベルを引き上げて以来初めての国際会議であり、11月ブリスベンで開かれるG20首脳会議のテストケースなのだ)と報じました。

フランスの『AFP(=Agence-France Presse)』通信は、"G20 vows to breathe new life into world economy"(G20、世界経済に新たな生命力を吹き込むことを誓う)という見出しで、"G20 nations, including the United States and China, said on Sunday they can overcome geo-political tensions and financial risks to achieve extra combined growth of 1.8 percent, adding trillions of dollars to the world economy"(アメリカと中国を含むG20の国々は、世界経済にさらに何兆ドルにものぼる金をつぎ込んで、1.8%という特別に一緒にした成長を達成するために、地政学的な緊張と財政危機を乗り越えることができると宣言した)と報じました。

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38.世界各地で新年を祝うー2012.1.1-2 (最新版) [国際ーアメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア、オセアニア]



Revellers around the world celebrated the start of the New Year 2012 on Sunday.
The world eagerly welcomed the New Year and hoped for a better future, saying goodbye to a year of hurricanes,tsunami and economic turmoil..

In New York, hundreds of thousands of people gathered at the Times Square to witness a crystal ball with more than 30,000 lights that descended at midnight. Lady Gaga and Mayor Michael Bloomberg led the crowd in the final-minute countdown of the famed crystal-paneled ball drop. Crowds erupted in cheers, kissed and hugged as the giant ball dropped at midnight to mark the start of 2012
Many people said they hope to see a recovery of the US economy in the New Year with plenty of job opportunities.

In London, firework lit up the sky over London's River Thames as the clock struck midnight. As Big Ben chimed on midnight, the sky exploded with pyrotechnics to mark the start of the New Year.
In 2012, London will host the Summer Olympics and pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth's diamond jubliee marking her 60 years on the throne.

In Sydney, hundreds of thousands of people crowded into the harbour to witness large-scale fireworks. They were launched from ships,the shore and the illuminated harbour. Organizers hailed the fireworks as the biggest New Year's Eve display in the world.

The first places to celebrate the New Year were the south Pacific islands of Samoa and Tokelau after they jumped across the international dateline.
As the clock struck midnight at the end of December 29, these two islands fast-forwarded to December 31, missing out on December 30 entirely.
These islands decided to realign themselves from the American side to the Asian side to be more in tune with key trading partners.

Many Japanese worshippers paid their first visit of the new year to shrines and temples throughout the country, praying for the health of family and the reconstruction of disaster-hit areas from the earthquakes and tsunami in March, 2011.
Tens of thousands of well-wishers visited the Imperial Palace in Tokyo for New Year's greetings and the Emperor said to the public that he hopes 2012 will be a better year for the Japanese people as the country recovers from the disaster in March,2011.
Major department stores kicked off business for the New Year as crowds of shoppers sought "lucky bags" filled with discount goods and other New Year bargains.
Mailmen delivered New Year's greeting cards in various parts of the country, including disaster-hit areas.
Exchanging such cards is a popular tradition for Japanese people during the New Year holidays.


World leaders have sent New Year's messages, warning of a difficult year ahead.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in her New Year's address that Europe is experiencing its most severe test in decades, but that Europe is growing closer in the debt crisis.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said in his New Year's TV speech that the debt crisis was not finished,and said that structural changes to the French economy are needed in order to return to growth.
Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, in a TV speech, sought public support for harsh austerity measures to overcome the nation's debt crisis.
The austerity measures have led to mass protests and riots, as high unemployment, raised taxes,salary cuts and reduced government services take their toll.
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano urged people to make sacrifices to prevent the financial collapse of Italy.

U.S.President Barack Obama called on Americans to work together in the New Year.
In his speech, he said that in 2011 the United States ended one war and began to wind down another war. Mr.Obama said the United States stands by friends and allies around the world through natural disasters and revolutions. He is seeking re-election in the presidential elections in November, 2012.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in an address that Russia's duty is to build a progressive state,where all people can live comfortably and do stimulating work. He gave up seeking re-election in the presidential elections in March, 2012, while Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared his candidacy in the presidential elections.

Chinese President Hu Jintao said in his address that his country will cooperate with other countries in 2012, placing priority on ensuring stability in the global economy. He is expected to be replaced by Vice President Xi Jinping in October, 2012.
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said in his speech that he will do his utmost to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. He said he anticipates major changes on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia because of the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong il.
North Korea's official media, in a joint New Year's message, urged unity under new leader Kim Jong Un, folowing the instructions of the late leader Kim Jong il.
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda,in a New Year's statement, expressed his determination to help Japan achieve a revival from the March 2011 disaster.
He also said that his government will formulate the specifics of tax and social welfare reform.

Hu Jintaoー胡錦濤(国家主席)、Xi Jinpingー習近平(国家副主席)、Lee Myung-bakー李明博(大統領)、
Kim Jong-il(金正日、朝鮮労働党総書記、2011年12月死去)、Kim Jong-un(金正恩、故金正日の三男で、後継者とされ、2011年12月朝鮮人民軍最高司令官に就任)

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