国際ー国連、アジア ブログトップ

840. 国連安保理、北朝鮮制裁決議採択ー2016.12.1 [国際ー国連、アジア]

(a) 日本語のニュース


(b) ニュースの背景


(c) 英語のニュース

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution to impose new sanctions on North Korea in response to its 5th nuclear test in September.
The resolution caps U.N. member nations’ annual coal imports from North Korea at 7.5 million tons or 400 million dollars, whichever is lower, bringing it to less than half of the current amount. China is the main buyer of the resources.
The resolution also imposes a ban on imports of minerals, such as silver, copper and nickel, from North Korea.
The resolution was adopted after protracted negotiations between the United States, its author, and China, North Korea’s closest ally and major trading partner.

(d) ニュースの比較研究


アメリカの『The New York Times』紙は、”U.N, Stiffens Sanctions on North Korea, Trying to Slow Its Nuclear March”(国連、北朝鮮への制裁強化、北朝鮮の核の行進を減速しようとする試み)という見出しで、”In an effort to tighten sanctions that largely failed to throttle North Korea’s nuclear program, the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday imposed a cap on coal exports, the country’s chief source of hard currency. The new penalties – adopted unanimously by the Council, including China – came as North Korea advances toward its goal of building a functional nuclear warhead. That presents a stark national security challenge to the incoming administration of President-elect Donald J. Trump, who called North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, “a maniac” during the campaign, but has said nothing about how to contain Mr. Kim’s nuclear ambitions”(北朝鮮の核計画を抑圧するのに大きな失敗をしてきた制裁措置を強化するために、国連安全保障理事会は、北朝鮮の主な外貨収入源である石炭の輸出を規制することを課した。安保理が中国を含む全会一致で採決した新たな制裁は、北朝鮮が機能的な核弾頭をつくる目標の方向に進んでいる中で行われた。これは、トランプ次期大統領の政権への明確な安全保障上の挑戦だといえる。トランプ氏は、選挙期間中、北朝鮮の指導者のキム・ジョンウン氏を“気違いじみた男”だといっていたが、キム氏の核の野心をどうやって封じ込めるかについては何もいっていない)と報じました。

中国の『Xinhua(新華社)』通信は、”UN Security Council adopts resolution in response to DPRK’s fifth nuclear test”(国連安全保障理事会、DPRK=朝鮮民主ぎ人民共和国の5回目の核実験に対して決議採択)という見出しで、”The UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution to tighten sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK) in response to the country’s fifth nuclear test. In the new resolution, the 15-nation council decided that the DPRK shall not supply, sell or transfer coal, iron and iron ore from its territory, but excluded transactions for livelihood purposes. ・・・
On Sept.9, the DPRK conducted a nuclear warhead explosion test,. It was Pyongyang’s fifth nuclear test, which followed the previous one by eight months. “The Chinese government firmly opposes such an act,” said Chinese Ambassador to the U.N. Liu Jieyi”(国連安全保障理事会は、DPRK=朝鮮民主主義人民共和国が5回目の核実験を行ったことに対して、制裁措置を強化する決議を全会一致で採択した。新たな決議では、15か国からなる安保理は、DPRKがその領土から石炭、鉄、鉄鋼を供給、売却、移転させてはならないことを決めた。しかしながら、人々の暮らしのための取引は除外する。・・・・9月9日、DPRKは、核弾頭爆破実験を行った。前の実験は、8か月前だった。国連駐在の劉中国大使は、“中国政府は、そうした行動に断固反対する”と述べた)と報じました。

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768.国際的な常設仲裁裁判所、南シナ海の中国の主張認めず-2016.7.13 [国際ー国連、アジア]






南シナ海の南沙諸島(スプラトリー諸島 Spratly Islands)、西沙諸島(パラセル諸島 Paracel Islands)などの領有権をめぐる中国、台湾、ASEAN(東南アジア諸国連合)諸国との対立のことで、南シナ海は、海上交通の要衝で豊かな漁場であり、石油・天然ガスの資源の存在も指摘されています。特に中国は、南シナ海のほぼ全域に権利が及ぶと主張し、南沙諸島に人工島の造成を進め、軍事拠点化する動きを見せています。

常設仲裁裁判所(Permanent Court of Arbitration)


An international arbitration tribunal in The Hague has dismissed China’s claim to the waters in the South China Sea.
This is the first international ruling on the sea’s overlapping claims.
The tribunal sided with the Philippines, which filed the case in 2013, saying that China’s claim on almost all of the sea is contrary to international law.
The tribunal said that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or their resources. And it said that there is no legal basis for China’s claim to historic rights over the area,
The ruling is legally binding and it cannot be appealed. But no penalty is stipulated for violation.

Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Ministry declared that the tribunal’s decision is null and void and has no binding force. It said that China neither accepts nor recognizes the decision.
Philippine Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay welcomed the tribunal’s decision and called on all those concerned to exercise restraint and sobriety.
The U.S. State Department said that the United States expects China and the Philippines to comply with their obligations under the ruling. It said that it understands the Chinese have made an argument that they are not going to abide by it, but that does not change the fact it is still a legally binding obligation. The State Department added that the world is watching what China will do.
Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that the parties involved should follow the ruling. He said that Japan strongly hopes this will lead to a peaceful solution over the dispute in the South China Sea.



中国の『Xinhua(新華社)』通信は、”China refuses South China Sea arbitration award”(中国、南シナ海の判決拒否)という見出しで、”China said Tuesday it neither accepts nor recognizes the award of an arbitral tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration established at the request of the Philippines”(

フィリピンの英字紙『The Manila Times』とベトナムの英字紙『Viet Nam News』は、フランスの『AFP(=Agence France-Presse)』通信の報道を引用して、”Tribunal rules against Beijing in South China Sea dispute”(裁判所、南シナ海の問題で中国に反対する判決)という見出しで、”An international tribunal today ruled against China in a bitter row over territorial claims to the South China Sea that is likely to ratchet up regional tensions”(国際裁判所は、南シナ海の領有権問題で中国に対してはきびしい一連の打撃を与える判決を下した。それは、地域の緊張をある程度歯止めすることになるかもしれない)と報じました。

シンガポールの『The Strait Times』紙は、”China has no historic rights to resources in South China Sea, says UN-backed tribunal”(国連に関連した裁判所、中国は、南シナ海の資源に対する歴史的権利はないと言明)という見出しで、”In a landmark ruling on Tuesday(July 12), a UN-backed arbitral tribunal concluded that China has no legal basis to claim “historic rights” to resources in the South China Sea and it has violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the disputed waters”(国連に関連した裁判所は、画期的な判決の中で、中国は、南シナ海の資源に対して“歴史的権利”を主張する法的根拠はないし、紛争海域におけるフィリピンの主権を犯していると結論付けた)と報じました。

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337.銃撃受けたパキスタンの少女、国連で演説(最新版)ー2013.7.12-17 [国際ー国連、アジア]








A Pakistani teenager shot by Islamic Taliban extremists last year has celebrated her 16th birthday at the United Nations in New York, calling on world leaders to provide free education to all children.
Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head on her way home from school in northwestern Pakistan last October when the Taliban extremists made attacks on her school bus for her campaign for promoting education for girls. The Taliban has long opposed educating girls in Pakistan as well as neighboring Afghanistan. She was treated in Britain and has made a startling recovery. She is now attending school in Britain.
Malala Yousafzai gave her first public speech at the United Nations youth assembly on Friday since the Taliban attack. She said "the terrorists thought that they would change our aims and stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage were born" She called on the world to defend the rights of women and children and povide them with equal opportunities to attend school.
Some 500 young leaders from around the world as well as high ranking officials, including U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki moon attended the U.N. youth assembly.

Meanwhile, five days later, on Wednesday, British media reported that a Pakistani Taliban commander has sent a letter to Malala Yousafzai,claiming that the shooting was not in response to her campaign for girls' education,but she ran an anti-Taliban "smear campaign" The commander advised Malala to come home and join a female Islamic school to study the Koran.



中東・カタールの『ALJAZEERA』放送は、"Malala takes her fight for education to UN. Teenager shot by Taliban last year in Pakistan addresses UN Youth Assembly and calls for reforms in global education"(マララさん、国連に教育のための闘争宣言  パキスタンで昨年タリバンに銃撃を受けた十代の少女、国連青年総会で演説し世界の教育改革を訴え)という見出しで、"Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban for advocating education for girls, marked her 16th birthday with an impressive speech at the United Nations, where she said education could change the world"(少女のための教育を支持したためタリバンに銃撃されたパキスタンの少女マララ・ユスフザイさんは、国連で印象的な演説を行い、教育が世界を変えると述べ、16歳の誕生日を祝った)と報じました。

イギリスの『BBC(=British Broadcasting Corporation)』放送は、"Shot Pakistan schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai addresses UN"(銃撃されたパキスタンの少女マララ・ユスフザイさん、国連で演説)という見出しで、"Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban, has told the UN that books and pens scare extremists, as she urged education for all. Speaking on the 16th birthday, Malala said efforts to silence her had failed"](タリバンによって銃撃されたパキスタンの少女マララ・ユスフザイさんは、国連で演説し、本やペンは、過激派をおびやかすことができると述べ、すべての人に教育をと訴えた。マララさんは、16歳の誕生日に、彼女を黙らせようとした努力は失敗したと述べた)と報じました。

アメリカの『CNN(=Cable News Network)』放送は、"Malala at U.N.: The Taliban failed to silence us"
(国連でマララさん演説、タリバン、私たちを黙らせることに失敗)という見出しで、"A Pakistani teenager nearly killed by Taliban gunmen for advocating that all girls should have the right to go to school gave her first formal public remarks Friday at the United Nations. It also happened to be Malala Yousafzai's 16th birthday"(あらゆる少女に学校に行く権利を持つべきだと主張したため、タリバンに銃撃され死の直前までいったパキスタンの十代の少女は、国連で初めて公的な見解を表明した。この日は、マララ・ユスフザイさんの16歳の誕生日だった)と報じました。

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271.国連安保理、北朝鮮制裁強化決議案採択(最新版)ー2013.3.7-8 [国際ー国連、アジア]







The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution criticizing the 3rd nuclear test conducted by North Korea and imposing tougher sanctions against the country.
The US-drafted resolution obliges U.N. member nations to block the transfer of funds believed to be linked to North Korea's nuclear or missile programs. It also obliges U.N.member nations to inspect ships suspected of carrying nuclear-related cargo for North Korea and not to allow to dock for vessels that refuse inspections.
The resolution says that U.N. member nations will have to deport any North Korean national who violates existing U.N. Security Council resolutions. It also asks U.N. member nations to strengthen their monitoring of North Korean diplomats.

Meanwhile,North Korea has declared that it will nulify all non-aggression agreements with South Korea just hours after the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution on sanctions against North Korea.
This was contained in a statement issued by North Korea's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea on Friday.



中国の『Xinhua(新華社)』通信は、"UN resolution on DPRK nuclear test "balanced", spokesman"(中国の報道官:朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(DPRK)の核実験に関する国連決議は”バランスのとれたもの”)という見出しで、"China on Thursday voiced support for the United Nations' latest resolution on Pyongyang's nuclear test, saying it is "balanced" In a statement, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said,"China supports the U.N. Security Council's necessary and moderate response to the nuclear test of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK)"(中国は、ピョンヤン(北朝鮮)の核実験に関する国連の最新の決議に支持を表明した。中国外務省の報道官は、声明の中で、中国は、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(DPRK)の核実験に対する国連安保理の必要な、そして中庸な対応を支持すると述べた)と報じました。

アメリカの『CNN(=Cable News Network)』放送は、"U.S. says U.N. sanctions 'will bite' after North Korea threatens nuclear attack"(アメリカ、北朝鮮が核攻撃と脅した後で国連の制裁は’効果があるだろう’と言明)という見出しで、”The U.N. Security Council unanimously passed tougher sanctions against North Korea Thursday, targeting the secretive nation's nuclea program hours after Pyongyang threatened a possible "preemptive nuclear attack. "These sanctions will bite and bite hard", U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice said after the vote"(国連安保理は、全会一致で北朝鮮に対するこれまでよりきびしい制裁措置を採択した。それは北朝鮮が”核の先制攻撃”の可能性を示唆した直後に秘密国家(北朝鮮)の核計画を目標にしたものである。アメリカのライス国連大使は、投票後に「これらの制裁措置は、効果があるだろう、かなり効果があるだろう」と述べた)と報じました。

イギリスの『BBC(=British Broadcasting Corporation)』放送は、"UN adopts tough new North Korea sanctions after nuclear test"(国連、核実験のあと、新たな厳しい北朝鮮に対する制裁を採択)という見出しで、"The UN Security Council has unanimously approved fresh sanctions against North Korea in response to Pyongyang's nuclear test last month. The resolution is targeting North Korean diplomats, cash transfers and access to luxury goods"(国連安保理は、北朝鮮の先月の核実験に対応して北朝鮮に対する新たな制裁措置を全会一致で採択した。この決議は、北朝鮮の外交官、現金の移送、贅沢品を目標にしている)と報じました。

韓国の『KBS(=Korean Broadcasting System) 』放送は、”UNSC Unanimously Adopts Resolution Sanctioning N.Korea"(国連安保理、北朝鮮制裁決議採択)という見出しで、"The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution sanctioning North Korea for conducting a third nuclear test"

ロシアの『ITAR-TASS』通信は、"UN Security Council tightens sanctions aginst North Korea"(国連安保理、北朝鮮に対する制裁を強化)という見出しで、”The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution tighening sanctions against North Korea in retaliation for last month's nuclear test. It was unanimously approved by all of the fifteen UN Security Council member-states, including Russia and China"(国連安保理は、北朝鮮の先月の核実験に対する報復として、北朝鮮に対する制裁を強化する決議案を採択した。その決議は、ロシアと中国を含む15の国連安保理のメンバーのすべてによって全会一致で採択された)と報じました。

中東・カタールの『ALJAZEERA』放送は、"UN approves new sanctions agaainst North Korea"(国連、北朝鮮に対する新たな制裁を採択)という見出しで、"In response to North Korea's third nuclear test, the United nations Security Council has voted to tighten financial restrctions on Pyongyang and crack down on its attempts to ship and receive banned cargo in breach of UN sancitions"(北朝鮮の3回目の核実験に応えて、国連安保理は、北朝鮮に対する金融制限を強化し、国連の制裁に違反した禁じられた積荷を船積みしたり、受け取ろうとする試みを粉砕することを決議した)と報じました。

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